Grad Requirements

Requirements - 23 credits (Grades 9-12)

4 years of English 4 credits

4 years of Social Studies 4 credits

3 years of Math (grades 9-11) 3 credits

3 years of Science (9th grade required, Biology required) 3 credits

Arts (Media or Visual Arts, Music) 1 credit

Technology 1 credit (Students in grade 9 for the 2024-2025 school year must take personal finance in grade 10,11, or 12)

Physical Education – 9th grade .5 credit

Health – 9th grade .5 credit

Elective classes (6 credits grades 9-12) make up the balance of credits

Students are allowed only one hour of Study Hall per day.

Students can take any class more than once, but they will only receive a credit once.

Students will have 4 days to change schedules at the beginning of a class. If during these 4 days they wish to change a class, they must have a parent signature on an add/drop slip. After these 4 days, if a student decides to drop a class, the student will be given an F. Example: Spanish is a year long class. If it is dropped after the first four days, the student will receive an F for the quarter.

If a student gets removed from a class, that student gets an F for that specific quarter. The student is not able to return to the class and must choose an alternative class for the rest of the school year.